Monday, July 21, 2014

40 Days of Fitness

Happy Birthday, Me!  So here it is, 40.  So far so good.  The seventy minutes I have been awake have not been much different from yesterday. 

I have decided to use today as a springboard into a plan for the next year.   I am calling it #40Daysof...  With a little overlap I can complete 40 Days of 10 different things and hope to adopt some good habits for the 2nd half of my life.

I am going to begin with #40DaysofFitness where I will attempt to do intentional exercise every day for the next 40 days.  This is going to be harder than it sounds because for 7 of the next 40 days I am going to be on vacation.  I thought about waiting until I got back, but I am a sucker for occasion.

I used some of my birthday gift cash to order myself a FitBit and purchased a new pair of sneakers.  So, it is on!

If you have a fun exercise suggestion for this 40 Days or a challenging idea for a future 40 Days endeavor please leave a comment below.


  1. Happy Birthday! I love my FitBit, but it did take me awhile to really get in to it. It helped to set up the online account for syncing and to get the weekly progress email. The app helped me track my water intake. It also helped to have my charger in the bathroom so I would remember to charge it overnight when it needed it. Otherwise, I would get out of the habit of wearing it, and I do treat it like a piece of jewelry that I always wear. -Amy G

  2. Thanks! I am excited to learn all of its tricks!

  3. Happy birthday! Which Fitbit did you order? No time like the present to get started on those 40 days, and hey, on vacation you'll have the opportunity to do activities that aren't in your daily life, like hmm, all sorts of water sports - snorkeling, swimming, possibly paddleboarding or kayaking? And then there's dancing, lots of walking, and are there any classes available for you to try? When I visit my parents I tag along with my mom and get a day pass for her gym. It helps me feel more in control of my week, so even if my outdoor plans get rained out, I got in a gym workout. Have a great time!

  4. Thanks Ingrid! yes, I hope to try one class on board the ship (if I have the guts) but if nothing else I intend to use the gym the days we are at sea. Hopefully all activity in Bermuda will be swimming and walking to places where more swimming will happen :)

    I got the exact same fitbit you have, so we better not be caught wearing hem to the same party :)
