Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Vacation! All I Ever Wanted....

As of Friday this is my home for the next week, a lovely cabin on a ship bound for Bermuda!  I am a lucky girl and I am so ready for a thoroughly relaxing week.

Cruising is infamously problematic for anyone trying to manage a healthy lifestyle though.  Endless buffets and 24 hour access to food and alcohol make dieting hard at best and impossible for most.

I am not for one second denying myself the wonderful food of my vacation, it is not going to happen, but I have set five rules to mitigate the calories:

No Snacking -- 3 huge meals a day is plenty of food.  I will not decline an afternoon cocktail though, it is vacation after all.

Eat Veggies -- A salad with every meal is not difficult to achieve with the great dining options on board, so filling up on greens might reduce portions of other things or at least provide some good nutrients.

Water, Water, Water -- Drinking plenty of water will keep me hydrated and feeling full.  Forcing water in between cocktails will keep the cocktail count down as well.

40 Days of Fitness -- I am sticking to 40 Days of Fitness and this trip allows for many opportunities to get in fun and different exercise.  The ship has lots of classes I could try, a promenade deck to walk faster than a promenade on and Bermuda presents nearly constant water-related exercise which I adore.

FitBit is Going Too -- the Fitbit arrived yesterday and has been set up and is coming along.  I won't have Wi-Fi but I found out it will store 7 days of stats so I can download it all when I get back.

I have planned for this vacation as part of my ongoing Challenge and my goal for July was to break even.  I am down a few pounds right now so if I can come back without gaining all of it back I will consider that a victory.

Any other tips for not spiraling out of control on vacation?

1 comment:

  1. Those sound like very sensible ways to stay under control without denying yourself fun. Have a great time!
