Wednesday, December 17, 2014

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

I gave my pool workout a festive shake-up today!  My weekday swim has been 1200 yards for awhile now, the way I challenge myself is by shaving off time and doing more lengths of each stroke before switching strokes.  I started by doing 4 lengths front crawl and 4 lengths back stroke and repeating that set six times.  recently I had upped that to 8 lengths front and 8 back and repeating that set only 3 times for 48 lengths.

On my walk to the gym today I decided I was going to try to increase my lengths again and try 12 front and 12 back twice.  I also decided to use the 12 Days of Christmas to help me, as I am a total nerd.

For the 1st 12 front crawl I just tried to sort all the 12 Days out in my head, turns out I had my birds mixed up in the beginning and had no idea who did what after 8 Maids a Milking.

The second 12 on my back I sang the song in my head as the members of the Muppets, as anyone of my generation would.

The 3rd 12 length set had me remembering various illustrations of the 12 days, which really helped sort out the problem in set #1.

And finally on my 4th 12 length set I replaced all the original values with alcohol, can't wait for 12 Shots of Patron on January 7th!

In the end I did my 48 lengths in 3 minutes less than my previous best time, proved I had endurance for 300 yards of each stroke at a time and had a really enjoyable swim!

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