Friday, January 9, 2015

Holidays 0, Me -7

OK, so technically I have 1 more holiday festivity left to get through, it is tomorrow and I am hosting it.  It involves a good deal of cheese.  For most though, the holidays are over. 

If you remember, I hit a weight loss goal on the Friday before Thanksgiving week and my next goal was to not gain any weight back over the holidays (*NIH estimates the average American gains 1 pound between Thanksgiving and New Years -- I was never average).  I am happy to report that since November 20th I have lost 7 pounds.

I monitored my weight over those 7 weeks and had some ups and downs, but the official weigh in today is 7 pounds down.  I'll take it.

Never once during the holidays did I feel deprived of anything, I ate what I wanted, took part in lots of festivities, exercised when I could and tried to slip in healthy meals whenever possible.

What was most reassuring this week was my ability to get back into a good schedule of eating healthy and working out after a 2 week vacation over Christmas.  It is so easy to fracture good habits and it takes so long to re-cultivate them that often giving up is the path of least resistance.

I don't feel that desire to slack at all right now and it is kind of amazing!

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