Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Reward for Lost....Pounds

People who struggle with their weight often feel very alone. It is ironic since the majority of people in the United States fight this battle, but it is true, even amongst my closest friends sometimes it is hard to articulate how I feel.  That is why I was so relieved when I brought up the topic for this blog post and found that I really am not alone, lots of people reward themselves with calories.

It can range from a big celebratory dinner, to after work drinks, to ice cream or a fancy coffee drink, but most of the treats we allow ourselves are full of calories.  So I have come up with a reward plan for myself that will support my good habits and not derail them.

Here are some of the keys to the plan:

1. Set reasonable benchmarks:  If you only have a reward planned for your end goal, and that goal is a long ways off, it will not be suitable motivation.  Have a few check points along the way every month or so where there are smaller rewards in place to provide bursts of motivation.

2.  Choose rewards that will propel you forward:  My first goal was 40 Days of Fitness and my reward was to invest in the new gym.  If I could prove to myself that I was dedicated to fitness this time, I was willing to spend the money.  Other rewards have included a subscription to a fitness magazine, some new music from last week's post and the next is a couple new workout tops (mine are getting big!).

3. Pampering isn't bad either, as long as it doesn't involve food:  A pedicure is on my list, my feet hurt from all this working out! My ultimate goal reward is a vacation, your soul needs to be rewarded too.

4.  Budget for your rewards:  Nothing sends me running to the Ben & Jerry's more than worrying about money, so don't bankrupt yourself.  Losing weight and getting fit takes time so plan the money for your rewards accordingly. (stay tuned for 40 Days of Savings coming up in October!)

5. A reward is different than a bribe: While the reward can certainly be a motivation, it should not be your sole motivation, the ultimate reward is how much better you can feel.

Have you found ways to reward yourself with something other than food?  Please share them in the comments, always looking for new ideas!

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